Railway Magazines Entries by Date


All Railway Magazines Entries by Date Index

The Tenterden Terrier - TTT

Winter 1987 No.44 Hopping Down the Line Article - on the hopper trains, hop farms, hop pickers and hop pickers ' Friends'.
Winter 1987 No.44 Single Line to Dungeness Short article - with map of the history of this line.
Winter 1987 No.44 The Burls Report Short article - on the report for a commission set up as a result of the Development & Road Improvement Funds Act 1909. Published in 1913 comparing the relative costs of road and rail transport in the area served by the K & E S R.
Summer 1990 No.52 The Military Railways of Lydd - Standard Gauge Article - including map of Standard Gauge railway system of the Lydd Military Railway.
Winter 1990 No.53 The Military Railways of Lydd - Narrow Gauge Article - second part of system, the Narrow Gauge.
Winter 1991 No.56 The Railways of Martin Mill - The Pearson Railway Article - The line to the Royal Military School and the eastern block yard opened in 1899, with map.
Spring 1992 No.57 The Railways of Martin Mill - The Martin Mill Military Railway Article - second part, the relaying and extending of the system in 1940. Map of the extentions with gun sites and spurs.
Summer 2004 No.94 Rails at Rye Harbour Article - Short history on the various lines and sidings in the Rye Harbour area. Sketch map of the area.
Winter 2005 No.98 The Trench Warfare Light Railway Article - Short history on the various lines and sidings in the Slades Green area and on to the Thames Ammunition Works. Map of the area.